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2022-02-20 13:05:01



The first light of the morning lifted me from my bed.


"School again!" I quickly prepared everything, just saw the mother who just got up. "Mom, good morning, I went to school."


"Good. Come back early this afternoon." Listen, I"m out of the house.


"Good morning, aunt Baozipu. Give me two baozis." I smiled at her.


"OK!" aunt took two steamed buns and gave them to me with a smile.


"Hey, Xiaoqiang! Good morning!" my good friend Xiaoming said hello to me.


"Good morning, Xiao Ming."


Came to the classroom, to class, students together stand up: "good morning teacher!"


The teacher smiled, "please sit down, students."


"Thank you, teacher."


"Good morning" may be just a trivial greeting, but it contains the respect of children for their parents, the respect of the younger generation for their elders, the good friendship between friends, and the respect of students for their teachers


But some students sincerely say "good morning" to others, which brings coldness, abuse and ridicule. Because there will always be students who think that others are hypocritical and civilized, so that they laugh at others, leading to the breakdown of friendship between the two sides, so we must not learn like these students.


"Good morning" is also a comforting word. When you fail in the exam or do something wrong and dare not enter the classroom, the teacher"s "good morning" will fill your heart with warmth, and the courage you lost will come back with it, so that you can face it bravely.


It is such a simple question, but its function is so vast. It can be like a bridge, approaching each other; it can also be like a blade, separating each other and going their own way. So we should be good at using this lovely language to create a harmonious future.



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