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2022-08-10 17:25:02



In spite of the rapid growth of economy and technology, our environment has been seriously polluted. It is mainly because there has been a vast amount of trash. The reasons why we have more and more trash are as follows. First, the number of people who produce trash is on the increase. Second, we do not have enough space to have garbage dumped. Third, a lot of rubbish which can be reused than thrown away by people.

Here are several ways we can use to help decrease the amount of trash. First, we should get the public re-educated and let them know the fact that trash pollutes our environment and is harmful to our health. Second, we suggest our government enact strict laws to crack down upon people who litter garbage here and there. Third, we can call on our neighbors to reuse as many things as they have used as possible. Thus, we can have a cleaner environment to live in.



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