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2023-01-14 03:16:03



Recently, the timetable of Chinese richest man was exposed by the media. As the rich group, they are seemed to be so myserious for the public and what they do attracts the media all the time. The public is so surprised by the schedule and it proves the words of no pain, no gain.

In the timetable, the man gets up at four o’clock, which will never happen for an ordinary person. Then he takes exercise for an hour. After eating the simple breakfast, he flies to Spain and signs a contract about more than 20 billion dollar. It only takes a morning to finish it. He spends the whole afternoon to fly five cities in China, until 7 P.M does he come to his office and continues to work.

What an astonishing day, his journey never stops and when other people go home after work, he isstill working. People complain about lacking the chance to make a big difference, but the fact is that they are waiting instead of creating the chance. Only the hard work brings the result we want.



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