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2023-05-03 02:23:02




Today is teachers' day, I had put the card ready. I saw our English teacher liu as soon as I get to school, I hurriedly catch up with liu to send greeting CARDS to her. I say: "thank you I also don't know what to write, just wrote to congratulate you a happy teacher's day." Liu said: "there is no relationship, as long as your mind, the teacher is happy." Then I put the CARDS to the mathematics teacher liu and the Chinese teacher zhang.

Every teacher's day is the favorite holiday teachers, teachers on teacher's day students will receive the most sincere blessing, the most gorgeous flowers and innocent smile. Is the most happy when the teachers.

To the math teacher, liu said: "thank you, but you don't throw the card to come over, should give away things on hands, just respect, more to show you to the teacher's mind." I smiled said: "yes, remember your teachings later." Ms liu, this sentence always accompany me grow up, when I want to throw to others, sometimes my mind emerge. Liu said immediately, such rude never happen.

The teachers' day, though on a day of class, but I still very happy, because I am the teacher gave the best blessing, and I also learn lifelong learning through the teachers' day.







The annual teachers' day is coming again. It's so noisy in the classroom, teachers' day the students talking about what the teacher a gift. On the way from school, little Eva saw grass full of colorful flowers open. Such beautiful wild flowers, thought little of, pick a little to miss li!

Get up early in the morning the sun was just above the horizon, a small sprout is holding a big bunch of wild flowers. Little of wearing today is really beautiful! Negotiate with the red satin, pink coat to wear the red scarf. In the sun, red scarf shining golden light. Her under the willow eyebrows of has a pair of intense big eyes, as if it has infinite wisdom. Her cherry small mouth, a brilliant smile, so beautiful! Small sprout will carefully and wild flowers of the teacher's pen holder, lest destroy this beautiful everything. Small sprout suddenly saw the teacher's glasses on Chinese books. How much she wanted to: miss li, for us to school so early lessons.

Push open the door, miss li was alarmed. Those in wild flowers in the vase, in the sun is so beautiful! Miss li a captivating smile. He hurried to the window at, but the flower girl - little sprout, had disappeared in the crowd.








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