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2023-05-04 07:41:01




I have two goldfish, they are red, like ruby, fish tail, like small fan gently swaying in the water, beautiful gesture. I had to keep them in fish tank, but I don't think tank is too small, will they turn into big blue wash basin. Blue basin against the red fish, very bright. They are like swimming in the small blue ocean.

Goldfish is a lazy animal, in addition to eat and drink, no other things to do. Once, when I was about to feed the fish, discovered that bowl flying insects like fish, looks like fish food is somewhat alike. Suddenly I had a bad idea, put the food in their droppings. The greedy goldfish eat, eat poo also together. Side of me, laughing. How stupid the goldfish is cute!

A few days later, there is a goldfish died. I am sad! Read the book then I just know, no stomach, fish food directly through the intestinal digestion and absorption, to become fat. As long as there is food, fish, eat as much as possible. So the goldfish also called "forever do not have enough to eat fish." If more food to feed the goldfish is easy to support dead. I the goldfish's support dead, when the fish's belly like filled with pebbles, swim swim instability, soon to turn over, and then died.

Now I know how to feed the goldfish: feed the goldfish should feed once is OK for two days, and do not feed too much at a time.







Small goldfish has a pair of big eyes, the color is color, big tail. Swim, the tail of a pendulum is a.

Sleep in the small goldfish, earn big eyes, as if to protect themselves, don't let other ferocious animal damage it. Small goldfish stool thin, like the color of the fish food. After small goldfish ate two fish food, can continuous to vomit two bubbles. Small goldfish as if to say: "master, thank you for giving me to eat fish food, in order to repay you, I will give you show two vomit a bubble to show you."

On one occasion, I look at the small goldfish in the water is dirty, the water is yellow, like earth. So I decided to change the water in the fish tank. I take my fish tank to the toilet, take small fish to hand, then replaced by the dirty water out of the tank in crystal clear water. I was just about to put the fish in the water, as a result, small fish put my hand "when the springboard", like a diver, make a perfect action, jumped out of the bottom water.

On another occasion, I put his hand into the water, ready to touch the small fish, to see if the little fish to trust me. , however, think again: classmates touch small goldfish, either a small goldfish jumped into the water, either a small goldfish likes me, and sure enough, the little fish let oh touched it. I finally know that small goldfish as sincere as a dog.

I like it's a lovely small goldfish.










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