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2023-05-05 03:45:03


导语:篮球运动是每一个学校都会开展的,篮球运动不仅仅可以锻炼身体,还可以培养同学之间的默契! 你肯定会有很多不一样的想法。那么就把你的感受写下来吧,编写成英语作文吧!欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网的"栏目!


Today, I went to the basketball court to play basketball.

I walked into the basketball court, he saw the basket under a lot of people are playing basketball. I find a place in shooting is on the bottom of the basket. Because I come too close, the adults always hit me on the head, nearly smashed the I cried several times. An uncle saw a red vest, began to say to the grown-ups: "we give the position to him, let him securely shots." Say that finish, you get to the basket down to play basketball next door, was there, I was playing basketball. I listen to the uncle red vest, thought: this time I can practice boldly, the uncle red vest is great!

I stand for hard under the basket, but how all shot. Red vest uncle saw, came and affectionately said to me: "you are too close and the distance of the basket, you see I shoot." Say that finish, see below his right hand in the basketball, the left hand hold the ball, a hard push, "sou", the ball into the "strike" let out a cry and I see the red vest uncle smiled and said to me: "come on, I'm sure you can do it." Say that finish, went to play basketball. I continue to play basketball, according to the method of the red vest uncle in, but not to the basket ball is dropped. The saw the red vest uncle, patiently said to me: "your move." Say that finish, and then walk away, I took a deep breath, in accordance with the red vest uncle ball method, I run out whole body energy to the ball to the basket, the ball into the, I was so happy!

Every time I come to the basketball court, all want to see the uncle, really want to share with him my happiness of success.







Pretty, quick down play, Richard c.haskelli is called me to play again, this time don't know what he would want us to play, but just some play. Came to below I saw Richard c.haskelli, basketball in hand, at this moment, I feel very strange, why, not usually play Richard c.haskelli is playing basketball, oh! Must be the last time he in physical education, a few hollow ball, just to play with. Also come up with a point down a peg or two.

In the basketball court, we played the game upgrade. The rules of the game is like this, as long as you stand on the point into a ball, can reward a ball, see who the first shots, who won.

Began to Richard c.haskelli, his pose, and then threw the ball out, gently into the, but as a hollow ball, I can't help the hands, the second, Richard c.haskelli ball railing, not into, it's my turn, I also unwilling to lag behind, scored a few goals, so we be convenient to both enter. Situation, we are all at the end of the day for three points to slug, me first, I posed throws a ball, but did not even touch the railings, but Richard c.haskelli, let him touch a luck, into, in the end I lost, Richard c.haskelli won.

Although, this time lost, but as long as the experience, will win in the future.









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