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2023-05-05 04:52:03




Alive when I saw a chicken, you will think of when I was a kid a foolish thing. At that time I was eight years old, is the time to strong curiosity and childish ignorance. I went to grandmother live idle one day, found a nest egg. Gather together the past touched by hand, and it's warm. In my perception, will know that this is hatched chickens. The hen out foraging for food at the moment. Listen to mama said, the chicken will hatch tomorrow. This, I more to the matter, I roll my eyes staring at a particularly large white egg in particular, when a few eggs quiver. I will pick up the egg carefully on the ear, "" Benedict, chickens pecking shell, the sound is very small, very crisp, also seem to be very difficult.

I think, the chicken out of the shell is too difficult for them to stay in it must be uncomfortable, they must be very aspire to the outside world. I have to help it! To start, I put the egg shell carefully peel away bit by bit, a chicken feather has not yet dry closed its eyes out from the eggshell, it called a "ji ji" two sound, as if in thanks to my "readmitted", at that time, my heart ah, than to eat the honey still sweet! When I strip to the second one, the hen came back and saw it in my hand it baby, immediately raised head feathers, wings outstretched to me. I'm scared of "ah" dropped her eggs, even cry with call to kitchen. Mother see flustered me, asked me what had happened, I put the ins and outs said clear, mother in distress situation, "silly child, the chicken only in certain time out of their shells, they hurt it." I don't believe it, look at the chicken, he lowered his head, and covered with tender small wings, still dead. I am very regret, poor little one, but there is no regret medicine to eat, I dug a small pit, buried the chicken.







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