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2023-05-10 05:26:04




Today, is the first day of the holiday, we are looking forward to already a long time vacation is finally here, said goodbye to the nervous a semester of study, finally can easily take a rest, sleep a lie-in.

Before you know it through a ray of sunshine in the bedroom. "Oh," I woke up from a dream with a yawn. Stretch and open dim eyes. Lazy to put on clothes, a pair of listless. After dinner, help my mother brought cutlery, leaning on the wall to see the "pleasant goat and Wolffy".

I heard the noisy outside, I go out on see, is my aunt in gansu province to the original, with her baby and niuniu, the baby was in first grade, than go has grown by a large margin, as for the cute little niuniu, was the first time I see, I come back to the spirits, hurriedly they come in, please sit down.

As he sat down, little niuniu very not safe, jump for a while that, bouncing around for a while, also playing hide and seek with me. Playing playing with his backwards, accidentally fell on the pot, to a "sun", "oh, little niuniu, you want to take a shower bath also don't hurry! Has come, I take you to take a bath." This little niuniu nor safe bathing, water all over me. I had to let aunt wash him.

Aunt sun unconsciously already, also brought it home, I also had a happy winter vacation the first day.



我的父母是做生意的,他们每天都是老早就出去了,在他们自己的商店中做事,既要算账,又要不时的做一些小生意,我很清楚那些小生意其实根本就赚不了几个钱,但他们依然在做,因为在他们看来,就算为自己的子女赚一丁点钱都是好的,因此,他们总是沉浸在忙碌之中。 而这只是他们对工作的态度,他们对于我的态度,则更加令人感动。我曾很多次发现我的父母从来都不会将工作上的不顺利发泄在我的身上,而总是以一副微笑的面容对待我,这就是他们对我的爱。每次,在我写作业的时候,父母总会陪在我的身边,尽管他们在白天的时候已经很累了,但他们从来都打不会向我埋怨一句话,只是在一旁鼓励着我。我的父母使我深受感动。





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