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2023-05-10 07:19:05




The zoo travels; A small fashion culture road class Zhou Yu water on Sunday, mom and dad took me to visit the zoo. Went to the zoo, show in front of my eyes is a big bed, flower beds with a stone, cement caused the elephant, deer, bear, such as animal statues, they smiled, like to welcome us. There were so many today's visitors. We first came to the panda enclosure along the path, there is a lovely panda is sleeping. Brown hair, black rim of the eye is like wearing a pair of black sunglasses. Look, it's much sleep sweet! I don't have the heart to disturb it, came to the kangaroo pavilion next to it. There is a kangaroo mother is playing coax small kangaroo, naughty little kangaroo into the mother's pouch for a while, a moment, that's interesting. We continue to go forward, the gym two chimps also in bed lazily. Gorilla house the ostrich farm opposite the ostrich is all mental, some in eat leaves, some walking in, and in mutual preening. But the campus's spirit must be the monkeys in the monkey mountain, you see, they are more clever! Some swing; Some slide; Also in the chase scenes, it is very lovely. Dad looked at the little monkey, smiled and said: "our little princess is also like a little monkey, lit up all day, you also to play with little monkey monkey hill." Finally, my father and I ride a horse, sit "surging ahead". How time flies! Sky is dark, I'm reluctant to go out of the zoo.






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