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2023-05-13 03:32:06




"Do your best" the book is a great place then is that it helps you better clarify the objectives, the process, the charm of a good book then here: breaking your heart and answer you question, when you lost your pain hesitated, give you the courage and determination to hit the road.

First, we need to have a good life attitude and philosophy, attitude decides everything, determines their ideas, their own decisions, their actions, their feelings, thus determine our own life. It speaks of "have an optimistic attitude attentively, optimistic to life. Have the courage to change the things can change, has a mind to understand immutable things, have the wisdom to distinguish the different of the two." Just a few words tell a happy life, do real oneself is all about. The message is simple, but it need to perform the wisdom and courage.

The second is the ego orientation, self awareness is very important, should be the first step is the most important thing in life. If we are unable to recognize yourself, also how to get to know other people, to know the world, creating the world? If you feel confused, feel pain, then probably lost themselves, or you don't have the thinking of the need to heart, but it still deeply hidden in the depths of our hearts, it is calling us, eager to our attention. There is a good self-image, can make corresponding target. As zhou yu was zhuge liang to grieve, that is, without understanding the truth, don't give yourself a good location, not both born yu heap cements, but born on yu yu reason to exist, born bright bright and exist, there is no comparability between person and person, everyone is unique, and find their own position, the direction of the interest and vigorous, zhou yu will also be great?

Book several successful elements: heart, compassion, courage, confidence, engages in introspection, mind, including said: as long as it is useful to other people good things will feel joy and happiness. This is a noble quality and repair for performance. Hold world with virtue, thick Germany to carry the weight of life, a happy and successful. Only when one has for others, for social thinking, benevolence don't confined to the narrow world of small self, to how things get more, to enjoy the heart full, calm and peaceful. The definition of success is not rich, not for wealth, not a temporary a so-called advantage in some way and cheap, it is narrow temporary psychological satisfaction rather than successful. Success is to do your best to do good to others, to the joy of harvest, happiness is the most beautiful experience.

"The best" this two word on behalf of the day and tomorrow myself that I am better than yesterday, more confident, more progress, which is constantly climbing their own road to success ladder, step by step closer to the success of the tower of our life!!!!!!!

Please do your best!











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