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2023-05-15 06:01:05


导语:我们一步一步走下去,踏踏实实地去走,永不抗拒生命交给我们的重负,才是一个勇者。到了蓦然回首的那一瞬间,生命必然给我们公平的答案和又一次乍喜的心情,那时的山和水,又回复了是山是水,而人生已然走过,是多么美好的一个秋天。 下面是小编为大家整理的遇见另一个自己英语作文。希望对大家有所帮助。欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


Many times, people always walk in the struggle, another of the inner self also grows with the passage of time.

1. At that time, it is small.

Eagerly to see big boy back schoolbag, entered the school, the in the mind will automatically from a kind of envy. If I grow up. I can also like them, see a lot of novelty in school, there are many friends play together, how happy it would be; During the festival, my sisters came home, testimonials and listen to mom and dad praise to them, if I can go to school, how good it is, then I can also like them; Once in a while, see brothers and sisters with numerous picture books where spray saliva, tells interesting stories inside, himself a round up, they would say: "you haven't to go to school, and don't understand!" If I can go to school, also can rightfully and they are the same.

Mother sewed up the new schoolbag, reported chanting is not I go to school.

If I go to school, I want to get up so early every day, even if the weather is cold, will also be mom and dad out of the bed, that's too bad. If I go to school, I can no longer be with mom and dad can go anywhere I want to go, they would say you go to school, learning is the most important; If I go to school, go to finish the homework after school every day, don't have time to play with friends; If I go to school... Found that there are so many bad things to do, to go or not, don't go to school I envy others in school I beat. So, my mother found me in the chest at the back of the cloth block, at that time, I have fought there asleep. Childhood, met another self, the final victory of the family always stick to the party.

2. Suddenly, an adult.

Unconsciously has been away from school to school, just at this moment his manhood. My parents, chanting the find object. To see the friend into ground in front of all, think out when a playmate, trouble will be more than a friend, one more body uncomfortable when people drink. Don't have to let the parents about had to be home before nine o 'clock in the evening, don't have to parents for their improper cross pick nose pick fault, and everything seems to be reckless, life should be more than just a go together.

But another self curled his mouth joke my naive.

Women have a few free holiday became homesick where all backpack can travel? Women became a family has a few want to sleep late just waiting parents threaten to take the kang? Became home there are a few really easygoing woman, even invite invite friend to consider travel together on the mouth. Parents and a charming you will always be the princess, if live with in-laws, the truly to the others. So many years of natural and unrestrained along with the gender, to a strange environment, you also have to bow.

Marriage is not? Sorrow! Will be gradual growth of the age is but a second self. At this time the choice of defeat in the secular concept.

3. And, for a number.

It no longer, as a result, start two point one line of life at home and work. Think of people's lives are so similar, do their duty in the work, have their own responsibility in the family. Many fast thoughts began to settle down, just like that, like most, bad not bad, should also is happiness.

Sudden accident let I have to meet another myself, because I have a good time to think.

This is the life you want? This is what you want to continue to decades of life? Can't afford to think like dead, want to hold, content with XinChan like monks? If so, your children will be as you pass the time, your belief will be kill clean, day after day until you are no longer used.

I sincerely glad this seems to be a tragedy, it aroused another yourself from the body, so I began to reflect on yourself. Teach, can be a lifetime, a program is like ahead of a computer programming, even too lazy to do the upgrade. Such I, you will lose the original himself. Love education, not for generations of children as products from the assembly line, but to them as people who are still alive, truly in love, to give their emotions and thoughts.

With the own struggle, struggle between dream and reality, the ending is self-evident, as my blog space say: everyone, all have the original dream, adhere to the dream, will fly.


I want to thank, I always met you, another one of my own. Because of you, my life more rich; Because of you, in the years of orbit, or smooth, or deviation, but strengthened my courage to grow up.



1. 那时,尚小。



如果我上学了,我要每天都那么早起床,即使天气寒冷,也会被爸爸妈妈从被窝里拉出来,那太糟糕;如果我上学了,我再也不能随着爸爸妈妈想去哪儿就去哪儿了,他们会说你要上学,学习最重要;如果我上学了,每天放学就要去完成作业,就没有时间和小伙伴们玩耍了;如果我上学了……发现还有那么多糟糕的事情要做,去还是不去,不要上学的我战胜了羡慕别人上学的我。于是,妈妈在衣柜后面的布挡中找到了我,那时的我,已经窝在那里斗争着睡着了。 童年,遇到另一个自我,最后胜利的总是家人坚持的那方。

2. 蓦然,成年。





3. 又是,经年。











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