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2023-05-16 07:44:05




Dear every leader, teacher, dear students:

Everybody is good!

Today, the title of my speech is "responsibility today become useful to our tomorrow". The classmates, first of all, I want to ask you a question: we have everyone when on duty, but can you sweep the floor? In the face of this problem, I think you might with a look of disdain said: "who wouldn't?" Yes, little things like sweeping the floor even a grader will do, not to mention our grade five big brother big sister. Every time when we do, however, is on duty, we have to sweep clean? It doesn't have to be. Careful alumni association found that every time the attendant after sweeping the ground, the total in some places is not clean, a little of wastepaper and waste from the broom seam is missing. Does the paper scraps and unable to remove rubbish? No, absolutely not. Why everyone will sweep the floor there are quite a few students don't sweep clean?

Investigate its reason, mainly is the sense of responsibility is not enough, I think. As a on duty should be within the prescribed period of time to work on time, serious on duty, solidarity and cooperation, improve efficiency, task perfectly done themselves. But there are always some on duty is not strong sense of responsibility, or just want to play a good time to complete the task early for a while, or directly in the room zone Dally don't hurry up. So, some on duty after finish their share the task to just ran to play somewhere else, and also whether clean; Some regard health tool as the props of the game, two people take health tools play each other; There are three group of two group together talking and laughing long after put the responsibility of the cleaning in the brain; What is more did more than half a semester on duty is always not remember the date of the on duty.

Having said that, I think we both know that a man of sense of responsibility is not strong even sweep the floor can never do such a small matter. If you think the lack of sense of responsibility just led to our classroom is clean enough, the campus is not neat, it would be wrong. An irresponsible students in schools not only do not on duty, will throw waste paper, waste, damage classes, the school environment; A is not responsible for the students at home must be a clothing to hand and foot, finish the homework to parents help to tidy up bag, I don't know understand parents of hard; An irresponsible students in society must be illegal wrongdoing, don't obey the rules to parents, school, losing face.

Such an irresponsible students grow up more frightening: because an irresponsible students, is an irresponsible parents in the future, he will produce an irresponsible children; If an irresponsible students become a teacher, he will loose orpiment, perpetuated this misunderstanding; If an irresponsible students to become a doctor, then he will delay condition, proposes; If an irresponsible students become a government official, he light damage, heavy peaks; If an irresponsible students become an entrepreneur, he would probably like sanlu group of managers, scourge of tens of thousands of children do not say, also make us face the credit crisis in the world the Chinese nation.

The classmates, the consequences of irresponsible so striking, so terrible, do you still dare to do an irresponsible person? I want to be after recognized this, every student must be determined to be a responsible person. Our society is inseparable from the responsible person. On December 21, 2015, the China education newspaper published a story, the title is "responsible graduates to apply for a job the most popular content is shandong talent net of 200 the employer's personnel supervisor survey found that unit of choose and employ persons is in when choosing university graduates, value in the sense of responsibility of ten factors are existed in the first place. The news declared to us, what we most lack is not at present high diploma, but the sense of responsibility.

Every class, every school students need strong sense of responsibility, every family children need a sense of responsibility, every society need responsible citizens; Every nation needs a sense of responsibility of patriotism. A great thinker between Ming dynasty and early qing gu yanwu said: "the world rise and fall, fortunes." The classmates, you love your country? The answer is yes, then please do a responsible person.

Do a responsible person actually not difficult also, don't need us to do earth-shattering event, as long as the builders of do we should do to - to oneself, want to do it ourselves, not rely on others; To the family, to respect elders, share the joys and sorrows; For students to work relations, helping each other; Moment of collective, must have the sense of honor, as the collective interests; To society, to be law-abiding, take the initiative to contribute their strength.

The classmates, we are flowers of the motherland, the future of our motherland needs us to create. Let us have the courage to take responsibility from now on, become a great asset to the motherland in the future!

My speech is over, thank you!
















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