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2023-05-19 05:13:01


导语:高兴时,与亲人共享,愉快的心情充盈弥漫开来,占据的岂只是整个身心;忧伤时,淡淡的愁绪在亲人关切的眼神中如轻烟袅袅升起,飘走的不只是忧愁。失意时,亲人鼓励的话语是重扬生命之帆的动力;成功时,掌声,鲜花,美酒,奖杯献给亲人是最大的心愿。下面是小编为大家整理的,亲情的作文呢 ,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


I calculated, oh my god! I'm from birth to twelve years old now, it takes too much money! Can buy a car. Since the childhood, including food, clothing, books and school supplies and tutoring, insurance, tourism, health care costs, and other consumer goods a total of about RMB more than twenty. Oh, my gosh! Not don't know. A startled. Too much!!!! Mom and dad for I don't spend so much love? It won't. Because love is priceless!

In the summer of 2006, I and my mother about my uncle and sister to play in the southern mountains of 9 top tower, fully play the whole day. Ah! That call a great! Ready to leave, just catch up with the water-sprinkling festival, we just have to gather together a jollification. I just rush in, is a big brother poured a suit, all wet. I was a little nasty, take a pot to spilt up with him. Such as mother and uncle and sister come to find me, I had become a drowned rat. I see with my big brother of splashing water also have no, ran over to ask him. Once he saw my surprise may and I splashed water on fear, and then return to absolute being told me: "when they have changed clothes for water, but this is his clothes. I'm dizzy! My cold hands and feet in that cold, mother to help me to clean water. Paper back to home, don't feel well, seven, a test temperature is 39 degrees fever. Dad behind my back and ran to the nearest hospital, mother also followed. To run the run the hospital, a lot of medicine and lose on the infusion bag or bottle. Head dizzy of only one word" tired ". This time the doctor and spent a lot of money. I said to mother: so much money to the hospital, you don't won't to me!" Mom jokingly said: "as long as you listen to say goodbye, we will to you." Then my mother and I laughed.

The family is priceless, no matter spend how many money, the family business as usual is priceless!








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