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2023-05-20 04:06:12




No matter you are wet behind the not too young, or experienced the elderly; Whether you has no ink, chest or educated production, all need to constantly learn and learn, because, the result of any successful it is not going.

A person, a group, a nation, a nation to be successful and development, to understand, to learn. According to the biological evolution: things always change at all. Such as gene mutations, or aquatic to terrestrial. In the process, to adapt to the environment to survive, not adapt to the environment has been eliminated. The life also is so, a birth, slowly learning to walk, talk, in the growth process of continuous contact with all sorts of things, to learn many things. Some people are good at learning, so to cope in various environments, and, while some people are stuck in the past, too lazy to study, so at a loss as a result, be abandoned by time. Is that if we are now learning is very high, you can rest assured, the status quo? That there is no doubt that is wrong, Confucius set to raise, but still keep on learning, the "company, thus is not he a portrayal of action? Instead, wang anshi's prodigy Fang Zhongyong, by his father as a cash cow and not continue to study, the results "weave the yi" as a result, people only like Confucius, continuous learning, to walk in front of others, one of the leading enterprises in the era, in an impregnable position. To be successful, must constantly understanding and learning. So a person, a nation, country, too. Xiao of qin was the first to reform, make the state of qin is strong, and the qing government to "closed" make countries only beaten.

This piece of the story undoubtedly is a wake-up call to us, tell us: live and learn.








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