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2023-05-20 04:10:04




In a cold and cloudy days, in a spacious classroom we learned the two children arguing, this philosophical writings in classical style small story.

This is the protagonist in the story's two clever children and famous Confucius old gentleman. It wrote Confucius when travel to see the story of two children arguing. A child think that writes a near the sun in the morning, at noon, the sun writes a far: another child is put forward in the morning the sun writes a far, people close to the sun at noon. Two children of the sun at different times, the question of distance from earth to pose two very different views. Before a child by the visual feelings in People's Daily life to prove his point of view is correct; A second child with people in daily life can feel the sense of touch to prove his point of view is correct, to the other party's point of view. Contend of Confucius, the man in the face of the two children, also can't judgment.

Story of a child's debate attitude is very good, they found, in the debate not deliberately put forward their own ideas. And famous Confucius gentleman although has the fame, but he didn't use his fame to knows nothing but pretends to know, to foil his own image, let oneself have more authority. As a famous saying of his son say: "know is know, response, is also." Here I want to sigh with emotion: "old man, you are really a faithful person."

From nowhere is not in this little story I felt the profound truth of the story. 1. Everybody has frequently as the diameter, road to learning bitter as a boat, have to keep on learning innovation. 2. To know everything of nature, to explore objective things seriously. Think about the same thing from different angles have a better understanding. 3. Know is know, response, and is also.









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