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2023-05-22 06:36:01




Passion burning years, youth ripples, beautiful campus carrying our lofty ideal, let us infinite passion.

The dreams of youth as a seed, comfortable, may be the loss of germination vigor. Life provides us a youth, I choose to pursue, to pursue the dream of life, let the color of life, become the master of youth, hold up tomorrow's sun. We are in youth, is the future of the motherland, the nation's hope.

Full of youthful spirit, we will constantly with our own efforts to irrigate the flower of youth, use action to prove everything. So, we need to have dreams. Because of the dream, we didn't have the power, because of the dream, we will go to insist, because of the dream, we won't go to work.

During adolescence, we each people all have own dream. But the dream is not a fantasy, it is the target of a person, is the beginning of success. Some people in their own fantasy life goal is so great, but in real life is not practical, is a kind of is the ideal. Although they have their own goal in life is to have effort? They will only live a decadent life, every day is this day after they thought? But there are also some people are always in constant efforts to use their own youth and sweat to achieve their goals, even if that is not compelling, small dreams, but their efforts and success. Their success is not a miracle, also is not a dream, is the result of they return for his efforts.

You reap what you sow, you reap what you sow. Dream is not don't work hard will succeed. If we don't try hard, you will face the failure, the dream will always be an illusion. In a couple of years we have to face cruel college entrance examination. How many people in order to constantly struggle with it and be prepared. If failed, then it will be your life on the road a cannot save defect, if successful, will be the turning point of our life. Now if tried, perhaps you will succeed, perhaps not necessarily success. But no matter what the result, for our own dream struggle, once tried it without regret.

The dream of youth is a cup of tea; The dream of youth is a pair of wings, only experienced setbacks and tribulations, will be more tough wings, fly away, to stand the test of wind and rain, can soar freely in a cruel environment.

Many students of the new age, let the dream of youth, let the dream to carry on all our hopes, become the master of youth, with the power of knowledge, with hot feelings of youth, give a perfect picture of youth, hold up tomorrow's sun, our dream will not far in yi yi is ablaze shine on us.












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