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2023-05-24 02:59:05



感恩节的英语作文 :

The kite runner is a book with the different region amorous feelings of dense, this book has many moving worth ponder.

Begins with the author's drawing, the first thing I feel is a beautiful, harmonious, devout Afghanistan; As the author hasan's description to the servants, and I can't help

to their childhood pure friendship and touched; When the author in the face of his father a child to his father's love and adoration and so can not help but recall childhood

always his father to the invasion of the body; When the author to monopolize the father's love, selfish to hassan away can't help but feel sorry again.

When Russia's war in Afghanistan, the beautiful Afghanistan began to fade. The hero father and son on the road to flee their homes, that between father and son together, that

kind of feeling of wandering in a foreign land, that kind of great national pride, and shock me.

At the same time, the hero amir has always been beset by one thing, is that hassan away, his remorse is not easy, when he learned that he had a chance to sin without

hesitation on their way to return to Afghanistan, his courage, have to admire it. Gone past happy to return to the home, only under the taliban can't see the horrors of the

marginal. Enemy in a nest, he risked his life out of the danger of his nephew, he is not only to save children, is his own, he never calm heart for many years.

The emir self-salvation in the story, for the love of the motherland, for the pious, have for the loyalty of friendship, have a stick to the love of, for the touch of the

family, for their salvation of mind; Immersion has a feeling of being deeply dissolves, a feeling of being soul purification, reflection, this book can let a person remember

looking for heart a kind of belonging.

Judgement for the current situation of Afghanistan, dare not, like the author silently bless this wonderful country!

















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