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2023-05-26 02:11:07




My hometown is hangu district of binhai new area. Reform and opening up 30, hometown has changed, the city looks like on the wings to take off, take us fly to prosperity, rich new life.

Hometown now, high-rise buildings springing up, rows, every family live on the new building. Color TV, refrigerator, air conditioner, computer into homes, the network will be closely connected with the world every family.

Listen to mama said, their childhood toys are elastic, stones, sandbags and so on. Then they don't want to have a toy to play it. Because every family is poor, can't afford, also can't buy a decent toys. But today, we had toys have been "evolution". If you take a look at the words to every child home, you will find that all the children are now works fine cars, planes, transformers, and various types of electronic remote control toy!

As the saying goes, the food is. Diet is the best proof of people's life changes. Improved people's living standard, the first reflection on the dinner. People from the past do not have enough to eat, eat is bad, then have fish meat, rice flour, have been developed to now want to eat out of nutrition. So people at the dinner table food sometimes surprises me!

On one occasion, I eat at grandma's house, my grandma, she serves a new dish I see, almost didn't pull the face half feet long. You could guess what it is, tell you, that is a plate of vegetables. Grandma said to me: "eat quickly! Don't remember how long didn't eat wild vegetables, how delicious!" Grandma said and sat down, ate with relish. When I was in a dilemma, that bitter taste really made me can't stand it. Grandma saw my thoughts, and said: "you do not love to eat?" I nodded, grandma just and cooked seafood, good burning ribs on the end table. See days to eat that day, I still frowning. At that time, only heard "ding dong" the bell rang, my mother bought a roast chicken, McDonald's and Coca-Cola is back. This can save me. Grandma saw it all, regrets again: "now that the children ah, I don't know what to eat good! Back ago, people only can use the government sent food stamps, buy something limited supply, no more. At ordinary times the family and only a little egg, a little oil. Chinese New Year holidays, the government to supply some meat, fish and wine. Look at now, want to eat what is what, how rich life!"

Our standard of living is rising, we should thank for 30 years of reform and opening up, thanks to hard work, selfless dedication of the workers. I believe that our motherland will be more and more powerful, more and more prosperous!











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