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2023-05-26 03:03:07




Today I will tell you is a kind of firmness unyielding flower, also represents a firmness unyielding spirit, everyone should heard these words, bao jianfeng from honed out, plum blossom incense from the out come. So today I want to tell everyone about the flower is the plum blossom. It not only not afraid of cold, proud snow ling cream, resists the snow, also can send out in the cold winter off new fragrance, let a person feel refreshed, refreshing.

The plum blossom is generally to blossom in the cold came, the cold wind in winter, they are not afraid of cold, standing in the frost, neither snow cream, or the wind or the freezing cold, they are so strong, is all is so faithful! In the cold, they begin to blossom, with unique aroma, proudly standing in the frost and snow, at that time, they are so elegant and noble. A lot of people like the plum blossom, I am no exception, but most of them are like the plum flower is beautiful and sweet, there is no plum flower in frost insist, also won't have its beauty and fragrance, most also can be a flash in the pan?

And the plum flower is not only beauty and fragrance, can also be used to cure and bud, huoxue jiedu...

The plum flower also represents our Chinese nation firmness unyielding character. Because of the cold, the wind deceives the snow pressure, flowers will open the more brilliant, more spirit. This fully shows its pride, for hundreds of years we Chinese are not also have a lot of people who have pride have moral integrity? Which is not a man of pride? In the qing dynasty political tan sitong, return educational history of wen tianxiang, sister jiang in the Anti-Japanese War... Don't they are the pride of our Chinese nation? They like the plum blossom, persevere in the frost and snow, make the game.

I feel for the quality of the plum blossom, as long as a man of pride, to oneself can practice perseverance, that he can be called a plum blossom, so, from the later, I also want to be a plum flower quality person!










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