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2023-05-26 05:03:02




Failed again and again, again and again, frustrated, difficulties again and again, again and again, they are like a well-trained troops, with measured steps on the road of my life, and set up camp.

Five years, five years, when I encountered setbacks? When was overcome by others? A podium without me? Through the history of the past, I figure, will appear on the podium! And look straight now, why the podium without my little shadow? Setback again!

Since the sixth grade, my life, as if shrouded by setbacks. In the soul in the speech, I have worked, write a speech, and under the teacher's choice, but I lost, but ze-cheng wang copy an article on the computer has passed. I suppress in the heart, pain in the heart. Who knows, I at this point, like pieces of mood? Another time, running for class President. Once again I pay, prepared a speech, and I lost again, I became the ji denied the members of the class. Why is that? Why! I don't can do vice monitor? 2 month, 3 vice monitor, two learning committee had no me!!!!!!! When ji denied member, I will offend many classmates, but I can't even strike, then, when the selection miyoshi students, because I have sinned against a lot of people, they are against me. I failed again!

When setbacks, you stay with me? I have been through a lot of failures and wind and rain, do you want with with me? I promise, I will not let the failure, I will learn a lot of experience, get rid of you, on the road to success!






Life is unpredictable, like a boundless sea. Sometimes calm, sometimes waves lapping. Therefore, human life will encounter many setbacks.

Remember once, that is Wednesday, our final exam. I feel good after the test, happy go home. A few days later, I went to school. Teacher told me math exam eighty-nine points, the language only got seventy-nine points. I was head of "om", feel the sky is falling. I really hope is I listen to the wrong, but, it is indisputable fact. I feel awful, drooping head back home. Back home, mother asked me to take an examination of how many points, I lie and say: "the teacher did not read." Mother to take a look at the notice in the past, I, the above is all good. Mother said: "good." Because we don't fill the notice now concrete grades, the teacher according to the usual results fill in the notice of the fine. This is my past for a while.

A few days later my mother asked me what I call the teacher there to test scores, this bottom discover all. Mom called me to her side, I thought his mother would scold me or beat me a lesson. Mom did not beat and scold me, and told me a lot of human reason, I feel very embarrassed. I study harder from then on, also is not afraid of the exam. My academic performance is becoming more and more good, again not let parents worry about.

From then on, I don't think setback, need is a snap out of it. Sunshine always after the rain, no one will casually can succeed. I firmly believe that the rainbow after the rain is the most beautiful forever.








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