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2023-05-27 03:29:02




The taste of birthday cake - letter to mother dear mother: hello! Daughter really want to and you tell me about the truth. Just now, the door shut with a "bang", so heavy to again so stubborn, as you are angry. Only silence in the house, leaving me upset and puzzled. A birthday cake on the table with cream on build by laying bricks or stones becomes flower cat, swinging its tail like a proudly mocking me. The ten candles on the cake, also as if to remind: today you were 10 years old, should listen to your mother! Where can I wrong? The day after the party day it was late, a boy to send me home. Did you saw at the gate, on the face that I still don't understand, why do you want to use that kind of looked at me. You sigh and shook his head, his mouth still keep whisper: "our daughter became complex." What is a "complex"? I really don't understand. You find again a few days later to bacon's theory of life, pointing to one of the segments you tag read aloud a way: "though is not the same as that you want to eat and drink of the beast, but after all is the eyes hue of the slave." My god, you take me for what? Grabbed a hold of you really want to ask, but you just mysteriously, laughing at me. I didn't say anything, at most after no longer take part in the party, in order to let you rest assured - I didn't get the "complex". But when I you in mouth carefully prepared snacks for me, but my heart flew to the campus, I seem to hear the students on campus is beautiful songs, beautiful sound; I seem to see the path of the students play, the students in the classroom communication... I really want to say to you: my daughter always want to move beyond the threshold of the childhood, go into the adult world, the wave of life always push me to the wave of social. Today it is my most happy day, but now this empty house was full of sad and unhappy. I lit up a candle, when I run out of energy to blow out the candles, tears involuntarily flow out. I will be a small piece of cake into his mouth, unexpectedly has no taste taste at all. Perhaps, perhaps is less your taste! Mom, I wish to see you in the candlelight, wish we can blow candle together, make a wish together, together... daughter





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