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2023-05-29 03:37:04




When I was young, I saw big sister like elder carrying a bag to go to school, appears to be a very happy thing, so I look forward to growing up quickly.

Calendar flip the pages and pages, calendars in a picture and a picture, when I was young wish is to become a reality, however, when I grow up I worry every day, more and more, I want to pull away from the shelter under the umbrella of the parents, so I began to desire for independence.

When I was growing up every day, are the parents' arrangement. Every morning, the mother to help me toothpaste, good water, take a towel, then after the meal, and by dad's car to school. At home, my task is to learn, is just like a programmed robot, listen to command, no idea. What kind of clothes, went out to play... All in all, what is almost all listen to mom arrangement, can't do anything alone. Gradually, I have no ability to care for, have no definite view, have a little things can only rely on mom and dad. Friends, my ability to care for the worst, some others can give my parents to cook, but I was let my mother cooking.

Dear mom and dad, I have the sixth grade, I am eager to independence!






A rough texture of metal in the wisdom of the human body under the interaction of molecules with him, value increases, so, who can also limit people - the physical, ideological, moral, and spiritual strength - the perfect mixture of growth potential? Only a dozen processes to the development and utilization of iron, and people's thought and character can be influenced by thousands of; Iron is just under the external stimuli can play a role of inert material, while the people were all kinds of action and reaction, he can pass the higher self - is in a special position in the real personality - to control and control the direction.

People only depends on the self-improvement innate aptitude. Our life bright iron can be forged, depends on imitating model, we pay hard work, education and experience.

Our life will meet all pain experienced by iron tests, through the test, he can achieve the best condition. Adversity blow, poverty and suffering in the struggle, calamity and bereavement sublimity, harsh environment of oppression, worry anxiously, hinder the hardships, chilling years, cynicism, boring education and discipline of fatigue - all this on a high-flying person are indispensable.

After filleting, iron harden, more pure, more malleable, more still, it is suitable for any dream by craftsmen use. Will break it if you don't have a hammer, every furnace burning it, every stone roller crush it, it still have what use? He should be able to withstand all the test strengths and qualities.








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