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my happiness in life英语作文「附中文」

2023-06-01 06:53:02

精选关于my happiness in life英语作文「附中文」


my happiness in life英语作文【篇一】

I live in happiness; I live in happiness; I live in peace. I'm just a happiness of pupils.

I live in happiness, because I have a warm family: kind grandpa's grandmother, a strict father and love my mother.

I live in happiness, because I grew up in peace, don't like children in the field could not lift the beloved books nor playing merrily in the lush grass of football. Don't have parents' love and freedom. And I, all day long, food on the foot, clothing to hand, you can also go to school books. By contrast, how much I happiness!

I live in happiness, because of my strong legs, eyes, ears sensitive. And those born blind children, very painful ah, their life is in the endless darkness, can't watch TV movies for them. They don't even know what your parents long shape. And even more pain to those deaf children: they can't hear the beautiful music, also not hear the voice of the outside beauty, more can't hear when the parents got sick of his call, in their mind, the world is always quiet. Think about yourself is how happy ah!

I live in happiness, because I am very happy, no worries, just use that day really pure words to tell family members: "I want this, that also want to..."

I believe that happiness will always be with me, forever...







my happiness in life英语作文【篇二】

We are children of this age is happy, we are very happy! Some elements of happiness too much, don't know to cherish!

After watching the above two paragraphs, let me one or two examples about my happy life, happiness in life is to have a teacher in school of love and harmony between the classmate. Fight like a family, together happy learning, happy to play, we all help each other, promote each other, this is our own things, can also big family can do things to please, isn't it? Can also meet many good friends in the campus, the school is such a happy life.

In addition to school, happy life and happy life at home. My mother is love me and hurt my mother, my mother is also very famous, and to do household chores, and take care of me, how luckily bitter! And my dad? Although he rarely go home, so once a month to come back, but his heart has always been very care about me, love me, I also want to dad every day, wish dad can take time to come and play with me!! My this big family, very warm, the house is small, but in my mind, he has been very beautiful. Because of the "nuclear family" we have this 3, so this time, beautiful.

Both in life and school life, whether it is bitter, is tired, is sad, is happy, excited, this is our happy life! Again we are contained in the bitter tears and sweat, and our tears. In the tired, wrapped with me a day of hard work. We also has a bitter day in the happy results. Whether success or failure in these, much of our happy life. We share together is happy, when success failure when we share is bitter, but bitter also contain the happiness. This is the beginning of our happiness in life, because we are no longer a child, is a mature older children. Now we know what is called happy, what is sad, what concern, what call help, what is learning. So we must to EnXi life now!!





【精选关于my happiness in life英语作文「附中文」】



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