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2023-06-04 04:27:11




Yesterday, my parents and I go to the wal-mart supermarket, to buy things.

In the second floor, where selling vegetables, mother said: "at home, dad give you stir-fried water convolvulus, where do you find water spinach?" Based on the characteristics of water spinach stems are empty, I found the water convolvulus, took a bundle of, on the car in my pocket.

Mother said: "father home give you cold spring Onions add tofu, a clear, look for spring Onions there?" According to the top of the spring Onions is green, the following is characteristic of white, I found the spring Onions.

And the mother said: "my father home fry a dish of celery Fried meat for you again, where to find celery?" According to the smell of the celery, I found the celery. Then, my mother let me get again bitter chrysanthemum, rape and so on.

Later, the mother said: "the food back!" I don't understand why to ask? Mother and smiling said: "we are to see you know don't know these vegetables, you are great, as a reward for you, choose as you like to eat!" I bought a bag of potato chips, and we will happily out of the wal-mart.

Through this practice at wal-mart, I'm glad I got to know a lot of vegetables. This really made my day to remember!








Today, 20 xx years ring, fuzhou yongtai international road cycling race was held in our county. This is really a rare event in one hundred! They go around our city seven times!

Eat my breakfast in the morning, my sister and I will set out together. When we went to the tai is famous in is at 8 o 'clock. There is a sea of people. But we seem to have come too soon. Looking forward to the stars, look forward to the moon, we waited for more than two hours. More and more people are near at eleven o 'clock, and packed.

As several police cars and motorcycle guards open, we finally wait for cyclists. They dressed in colorful clothing, wearing helmets, sunglasses, very spirit, handsome. Everyone can't wait to set up the camera to take a picture of this exciting scene! There are four, five leading bicycle began. Then there is a large group of cyclist riding a car to catch up. How fast bike "run"! Like the left arrow of a root, a flash, we see more dazzling. People sweat, we are full head big sweat. People's face is permeated with excited expression. Even excitement to the dog rushed out of the line, the result was the traffic police catch back. Look at those children dance excitedly, the five-star red flag, shouted: "cheer the Chinese team come on! China!" A wave after wave roared. Some classmates have shout throat dumb. I also in constant Shouting. Cyclists seemed to hear our chants, a quick a lot.

We can't just in front of the pilot, when they ran away, there is a race car driver, like geese fall, but he didn't give up, or a hard riding a bicycle.

Every time flashed a bicycle, will follow a few cars behind. Car sitting in many foreign friends, they waved to us, warmly greeting.

On the third lap, teams seem to be some trickle. After a while, bicycle racers started with one again, the team went back to the big triangle. The bike around the city on the fifth lap, a funny thing happened. A cyclist deliberately suddenly slapped parallel another player with him, as if in said to him: "come on, man! I go first!" Then thrown forward.

Around the city seven times, the cyclist to genting sprint. Hundreds of pairs of eyes watched the cyclist disappeared at the corner of the street. We haven't seen enough to choose a suitable text book

Come home, my mind over and over to remember just now also in game, it was a thrilling and exciting game, feast my eyes, delicious.

Today is a memorable day!

Teacher comment on: can use provide description, to give readers a wonderful game.














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