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2023-06-08 03:33:06



1. May you come into a good fortune! 恭喜发财!

2. May many fortunes find their way to you!祝财运亨通!

3. A happy New Year to you. 恭贺新年

4. Everything goes well 吉祥如意

5. May all your wishes come true 心想事成

6. A good start in the New Year 新春大吉

7. With best wishes for a happy New Year!-----祝新年快乐,并致以良好的祝福。

8. Wishing you peace, joy and happiness through the coming year.------在新年来临之际,祝福你平安、快乐、幸福!

9. Good luck and great success in the coming New Year.--------祝来年好运,并取得更大的成就。

10. Best wishes for the holidays and happiness throughout the New Year.恭贺新禧,万事如意。

11. Good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year.恭祝健康、幸运,新年快乐。

Safety tip: 12. The Spring Festival during the Spring Festival, visiting relatives and friends, go out tourism, safety consciousness forever heart. Don't drink driving, keep to the right, ride a bike ride against pickpockets. Let us join hands in creating a harmonious, AnAnQuanQuan Spring Festival!

13. The Spring Festival health tip: proud of "healthy diet", to "eat" shame; Adhere to the "early to bed and early to rise" platform, abandoning "night curfew" declaration; Chanting "diligence exercise", away from the "lazy" policy. Wish you keep good health and prosperous New Year Spring Festival!

14. Look forward to every year, good beauty good month circle, happy life every day. Winter spring time, life must drink. A treasure! Take good care! Said one of peace! Peace!

15. The Spring Festival holidays, health don't have a holiday. Spring Festival warm remind you: eating moderate, all element, reasonable diet health relaxation; Again good food, eat right, good stomach disease was away. Wish you eat during the Spring Festival, eat healthily!

16. This year's final round of the sunset, record we had in the past, the first ray of sunshine in the morning, I will bring the latest year of the horse in the hope that my first blessing, filled with luck and good fortune, my first wish is wish you: happy Spring Festival, a happy family reunion!

17. The firecrackers sound of the Spring Festival, got home safe and sound, two sound of firecrackers, Spring Festival family reunion, three sound of firecrackers, Spring Festival happiness, the firecrackers sound of the Spring Festival, relaxed and happy spend your Spring Festival small long vacation.

18. The Spring Festival couplet, a good fortune, the lunar New Year everyone, a lot of blessing, stick grilles, Spring Festival beauty such as flower, sweet Spring Festival, I sincerely, I wish you a comfortable working in the New Year.

19. The spectrum of the Spring Festival, you are the most colorful and beautiful, the Spring Festival of music, you are the most pure melody, the recipe of the Spring Festival, color, flavor type the most is how are you, the Spring Festival, see this message, don't know my blessing on unreliable?

More than 20. During the Spring Festival jollification, stay up late to play more generally. Day and night upside down wrinkles, health beauty method. Sleep sleep in the first place, relax the luster of the skin. And then to hold your mouth, less meat and more vegetable skin moist. Wish you are handsome and beautiful, dragon horse spirit style.

21. The Spring Festival to pleasant goat, and the children to put firecrackers, set off firecrackers to square, move away from buildings and buildings, fire at the ring, and don't forget property safety. During the Spring Festival celebrates the year of the horse, in the most ideal.

22. The firecrackers sound to meet happiness, for docking happy Spring Festival couplets and dumplings steamed steamed with health, fruit all peace, segment period of luck, laughter and harmony. The Spring Festival, may your life better.

23. The Spring Festival to, know you hospitality, specially about the happiness and joy, gathered a safe and healthy, brought good luck and fortune, only hope that you know and you know, care more in the future take care of you, how? Me: that's a good idea, let you can happy New Year.

24. The Spring Festival to, all the troubles in the last year, leave all the sadness in yesterday; Happy bells bring good luck, happy fireworks bring money, bright red Spring Festival couplets sticking to the lucky; I wish you a New Year new atmosphere, the heart joy.

25. The Chinese New Year dinner party, more do not excessive drinking. Drinking taboo, do not get sick. Aperitif wine, rice wine can raise colour. Wine before feeding, the bottom cushion to stomach. Health damage, moderated vomiting-inducing toasts uncivilized. I wish you a little taboo, have a healthy year.

12. 春节安全小贴士:春节期间,走亲访友,出门旅游,安全意识永存心间。开车的不喝酒,骑车的靠右走,坐车的防扒手。让我们携手共创和谐,安安全全过春节!

13. 春节健康贴士:以“健康饮食”为荣,以“大吃大喝”为耻;坚持“早睡早起”纲领,背弃“晚出晚归”宣言;高喊“勤奋锻炼”口号,远离“好吃懒做”方针。祝你保持健康好身体,春节大吉大利!

14. 风调雨顺年年盼,良辰美景好月圆,幸福生活天天伴。冬去春来流年逝,人生得意须尽欢。道一声珍重!珍重!说一句平安!平安!

15. 春节大放假,健康不放假。春节温馨提醒您:饮食适度,均配荤素,合理饮食健康张弛有度;再好美食,吃得合适,胃好疾病就被吓跑。祝你春节吃得开心,吃得健康!

16. 今年的最后一轮夕阳,记录了我们曾经的过往,明早的第一缕阳光,将带给我马年最新的希望,我的第一个祝福,充满了好运和吉祥,我的"第一个愿望就要祝你:春节快乐,阖家幸福团圆!

17. 春节的鞭炮一声响,平安到家,春节的鞭炮两声响,团圆全家,春节的鞭炮三声响,幸福大家,春节的鞭炮声声响,轻松快乐度过你的春节小长假。

18. 春节贴对联,好运连连,春节贴福字,福气多多,春节贴窗花,美丽如花,春节贴心,用我真心,祝你新的一年舒心顺心。

19. 春节的光谱,色彩斑斓最是你美丽,春节的乐谱,纯真旋律最是你动听,春节的菜谱,色香味型最是你好味,新春佳节,看看这条短信,不知道我的祝福靠不靠谱呢?

20. 春节期间热闹多,熬夜玩乐普遍多。日夜颠倒皱纹多,养生美容方法多。首先要把觉睡足,皮肤放松有光泽。其次再把嘴管住,少荤多素肤滋润。祝你潇洒又漂亮,龙马精神派头足。

21. 春节到喜洋洋,孩子们来把鞭炮放,放鞭炮去广场,远离建筑和楼房,防火患提得响,财产安全不能忘。庆马年春节忙,平平安安最理想。

22. 爆竹声声迎快乐,春联对对接幸福,水饺笼笼含健康,水果个个送平安,节目段段藏运气,笑声袅袅创和谐。春节到了,愿君生活更美好。

23. 春节到,知道你好客,特地约来了幸福和快乐,召集了平安与健康,请来了好运和财运,只希望大家和你认识认识,以后多照顾照顾你,怎么样?我这主意不错吧,愿新春佳节你可以快快乐乐的。

24. 春节到,将一切的烦恼留在去年,把所有的忧伤丢在昨天;幸福的钟声带来好运,欢乐的爆竹带来财运,大红的春联粘住了幸运;祝你新年新气象,新春心欢乐。

25. 春节应酬多,饮酒勿过度。喝酒有禁忌,切莫惹病灾。葡萄酒开胃,黄酒可养颜。酒前先吃食,给胃把底垫。斗酒损健康,劝酒不文明。祝你少犯忌,过个健康年。




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