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2023-06-15 06:11:19




When you came to my school, the first saw is a pink and white building.

Beside the teaching building is a large and beautiful flower bed. Yuanwang flower beds, flower beds are colorful flowers, red berries, chrysanthemum, Holly... Gail: what beautiful flowers in the flower bed! Like a beautiful picture, make a person find everything new and fresh, the breeze blowing, flowers nodding, just like in waved to us salute, nod, as if to say: "the classmates, hello!" How fragrant the flowers are in the flower bed! To the sight in the distance you can smell the fragrance, make people relaxed and happy. Leave the flower bed go straight forward, came to the playground, the playground is very big, very smooth, the east there is a row of willows, spring, willow germination, and pale green, make people smell the breath of spring; After the summer, students play, can to the willow tree shade; And yellow leaves of autumn, and a piece of a piece of falling, dancing like a butterfly, as if to tell us, the winter is coming quickly; In winter, the willow tree are covered with snow, it is not afraid of cold, still standing there, like soldiers guarding our campus. North of the playground is the fitness equipment, horizontal bar & parallel bars, and table tennis case, plastic runway is among, there is grass, and conspicuous flagpole, school is going to have a flag raising ceremony every Monday, every time a listen to the national anthem, and looked at the slowly rising national flag, I will secretly determined to study hard, grow up to be a useful person to society.

Although my campus is simple, but in my heart, it is the most beautiful and the most beautiful!





Green in my eyes, is a unique color. Vast forests with pure and fresh and green. Growth at the edge of the lake in the patches of grass, tender and has a bright green. Little head out just outside a small bud, green point slightly pink, very cute, like a sweet smile.

I like green, green is full of every corner of our life, even a head of saplings, it needs more attention. Even a elegant flowers, bloom in places not to be noticed by people. Even with all the attention of the green, also has its unique beauty.

Came to the outskirts of the hill, the wild flower in the bushes of blooming, grass also not to be outdone, full of the slope, from a distance, the mountain as if covered with a layer of green coat, wild flowers become a unique decorative pattern on the clothes. Wind is blowing gently, grass and wild flowers fluttering in the breeze swaying, it was definitely for dashan added more vitality and beauty!

Green, is a good color, but now there are still some for their own interests to damage the environment. They damage the air, forests and worsen environment is more and more serious. Their ignorance and greed left a terrible consequences. Now, to protect the green, environmental protection is a responsibility, we shall we go to efforts to change, let the green came to every corner.

We live in the same land, we watch green environment together, we were intoxicated by the green, environmental protection is to protect ourselves. Let the green dream filling in everyone's heart, and let the green hangs on everyone's mouth smile, let the green seeds everywhere open, let the green appears in our everyone's life, let the green...

Green is the color of nature, green, make the color of our hearts...










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