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2023-07-12 04:31:01




Today I'm pretending to be a big whale, with my whale words like human protest loudly: "you humiliate animal, sincere apologize to all the animals, please!"

Man lives on land, can go, can run. The living creatures on the bottom of the sea, living on the bottom of the sea every day, are creatures of the earth, just like you. So, you bully us, you just wait and bully yourself. Why don't you learn Dr. Dolide? He can love animals and make friends with animals, and every human can do it!

Many of my friends were killed by the human, some lost their parents, some of the lost child, they are all good sad, this is all mankind to do bad things, you say! Do I have to protest?

I really hope that humans can understand my words, and whales if "whale dialect translation machine", can let people know the animals, fear of being killed, also fear of losing loved ones.

The whale words are not difficult to understand, as long as you have love, you will know what I am talking about.







Kid, I am a head of baleen whales, I can just eat a meal more than two thousand kilograms of shrimp and small fish, I am a whale in the largest blue whale, I also have individual name: razor a whale? Interesting!!!! I am a national level protection animal. But the greed of mankind has troubled us, and I am very beautiful.

My body has a blue and white, I have no teeth, is swallow food in the stomach, we don't belong to the fish, but mammals, in fact, our ancestors live on land, and the cattle and sheep, then environment has changed, our ancestors of the fore and tail gradually degraded, the whole body into fish, adapted to the Marine life. Our little whale is viviparous.

Our life is happy and comfortable, but human greed that got us into the misery, the blue whale, like me in the 20th century has killed nearly 360000 head, we whales for humans is covered in gold, in restaurants, whale meat is very expensive, wealthy people to prove his nobility, hard to get to the restaurant for whale meat. And can the sewage and smoke of the factory be removed? Why shouldn't human scientists invent tools to remove waste water and smoke?

Hunting, can't you be less don't kill a whale, now there are many kinds of whales is on the verge of death, please don't destroy our living environment, don't hurt my family, in fact, people and animals are good friends, children, you said I right?








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