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2023-07-20 03:12:02



Bike-sharing is a greener method of transportation and provides a user-friendly experience. However, it’s a combination of online and offline business. Operators are usually strong in online services, but lack offline business experience, which causes problems. Sharing bikes is an emerging sharing economy. As the government advocates the idea of low-carbon travel, sharing bicycles has attracted more and more attention.


Sharing a bicycle solves the problem of the last mile in the journey. Green travel, low-carbon and environment-friendly. Bike travel saves energy, reduces pollution, and has a wholesome effect on health. Residents say they will be able to transfer to a small yellow bicycle when they get out of the metro station, which is both convenient and cheap, and they will no longer have to sit in unlicensed motorcycle taxis. Circulated among different users, bicycles on the road have been eventually able to fulfill their mission as a bicycle, facilitating users’ trip and bringing profits to the enterprises, mutual benefit and win-win result.


As lack of management, the companies have been desperately trying to put vehicles on the ground, causing congestion in crowded places such as subway and bus stations. Photos of a bus stop in Beijing and the Shenzhen Bay Park surrounded by thousands of bicycles have been exposed; instead, the so-called convenient bicycles have become a hindrance to public transport in this case. Bicycle operation is susceptible to seasonal changes and weather conditions. If the weather is bad, you have to turn to other means of transportation. Leaving around leads to public disorder, and there will be no beauty in the city if the transport vehicles are so disorderly placed.





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