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2023-07-29 06:18:06




There are some pandas in the zoo.

They look like a bear,but they are not a bear.

They live in China.

They have a small tail and fat body.They are black and white.

They’re very clumsy,but they can climb trees.

They like to eat bamboo very much.

Look!The baby panda is under the mother panda,they are sleeping.

They look very lovely.Pandas are my favourite animals.


Last weekends,I went to a restaurant Holiday.I had a steak and a vegetables salad.

After meal I had an apple pie and drank a cup of tea.I spent 50yuan on them.

But the tea

tests bad.On the contrary the steak and salad was very good.

I will visit that restaurant again next week.


Panda is one of the scarcest animals.As the balance of nature was destroyed and the weather was getting warmer and warmer, pandas became less.

But at present, the number of pandas is increasing year by year.

There are now so many pandas that some are being sent to other countries so that people there can enjoy them.


Pnda is cute . they like to eat bamboo and lie down all day long .

Chinese panda living in the south, they are a bamboo for food, eat slowly, eat 12 hours a day, every day to eat 15 kilograms of bamboo.

Their numbers are fewer and fewer of the panda in the wild only just over 1600, have a small number of people living in the zoo.

They are a lovely precious animals, we should pay more to protect.




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