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2023-09-24 03:34:08




Everyone likes gifts, but most of people enjoy substance present rather than spirit present. However, the spirit present is the best gift. Love is the most popular gift among friends and families. So even if it is a very small gift, such as a leaf from a tree, it is enough to make others feel very happy. For example, if you hand your mother a cup of hot water when she’s cold, she will get happy; if you give some advice to your friend when he is in trouble, he will get happy, too; and if you help an old people go across the street, he will also get happy. Why do they get so happy? Because they receive your love. In a word, love is the best gift for others!



Today was my father’s birthday. Early in the morning, he went out to work as usually. But I felt nervous and I wanted to give him a surprise. I asked my mother to teach me to cook, so I could make the dinner for my father. After class, I rushed home and my mother had prepared the stuff for me. I washed them first and then did as my mother told me. She always wanted to cook and I refused because I needed to make sure I could finish it by myself. It was really hard to cook, but I insisted and finally made it. When my father came home, he smiled and said this was the best gift.



Last year ,I received the best present in my whole life on Christmas Day .I thought that day would be another usual day ,but I was wrong .My school held a school trip ,all my friends joined the trip except me .I really felt sad !Just when I got home ,I noticed something unusual .There was a shiny Christmas Tree in my room .Just as I walked in ,all my friends shouted and hugged me happily .

" Merry Christmas !" My friends said to me happily .

Then they gave me many special Christmas Presents.

But I thought the best present was my friends .




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