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Can you get knowledge by paying_你能通过付费获得知识吗英语作文250字

2020-01-03 13:45:01

Lots of software whose knowledge costs money encourages you to show your time of learning and helps you to rank. More than one thousand hours for learning and the number of books you have read will meet your psychological satisfaction. But these indicators are what you give, not what you get. Information is something that is scattered, but knowledge is a structured and useful system. How to use knowledge payment software to get knowledge not information? I hope the follows will help you.

First, asking a good question and finding an answer, which one is more important? Asking a series of questions is the beginning of getting knowledge. If the knowledge is useful, it must be based on your knowledge system and knowledge you have. Practice can transform knowledge into ability. For example you should talk to foreigner after English class. Knowledge can’t be transformed into ability unless you practice.

Second, in fact, the useful things are not knowledge but the abilities of solving questions. It doesn’t matter whether the answer is correct or not. A good teacher encourage students to ask good questions. The questions reflect students’ understanding of knowledge and the depth of their thinking. The society changes rapidly. There lots of questions without answer, or without standard answer. The real ability is getting information efficiently and transforming information into anticipation of possibility.

Finally, it’s no doubt that the knowledge payment age provides a large number of chances for leaning. What everyone need to keep on doing is building a knowledge system that is based on personal interest.




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