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Film Review:The Butterfly Effect_高中英语作文

2015-09-17 12:35:06

Thrillers are usually the type I hate.I can't understand why people are happy to make them.I hate all the horror film directors,all the horror film actors and all the horror films expect this one——The Butterfly Effect.I don't like the feeling of fear,but The Butterfly Effect refreshed my understanding of horror movies.Its aim is not to make the people scared but to lead them to understand their whole life.

The Butterfly Effect was made by John R.Leonetti,a great director who has directed many wonderful films.The main character——Nick Larson,played by Eric Lively,is a man who had a beautiful girlfriend called Julie Miller.Actually,they should have lived a happy and happy life.But unfortunately,Miller died in a car accident.Larson was so sad and by chance,Larson found that he can walk through time and space by reading his diary which was written when he was still a child.Larson made up his mind to bring Miller back to life.

When I was watching this movie,my heart even leapt.It is not because I was scared but because I was moved.Larson tried his best to protect the people he loved.Even though,the venture made him lost his life,he left his love for every one alive.Trust me,go and see The Butterfly Effect,not to regret!【趣文网 m.qwen.cn】



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