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2015-10-01 20:40:59

I'm a sun, is also a ball of fire, you know, my surface temperature over 3500 degrees, the inside temperature is about 2500 times that of the surface temperature, people want to go to my here takes an estimated 3500, is a plane to fly more than 20 years? Humans see I only have one plate, in fact, 1.3 million on the top of the earth to a sun?

You know my role? I guess you don't know, let me tell you slowly.

I can let the water evaporation, into a small water droplets, and then fell down from the sky, rain is formed; If the day is cold, it becomes the snow, if there is no sun, there is no rain, no crops, and all the plants will die, we have no food, the world is not green. I can also make some place cold hot in some places, if less calories will feel cold, absorb more heat will feel hot, with cold and hot will form the wind, with the wind is the motivation. I also can kill bacteria, ordinary people often take out the quilt bask in, because the quilt on the bacteria, let me shine, bacteria will run without a trace.

I have so many benefits, and of course there will be a little bit of bad, excessive exposure can burn human skin!【趣文网 m.qwen.cn】

All in all, with me - the sun, will make the world more beautiful!

2, do you have such a legend: in ancient times, the sky has 10 SUNS, they live in a tree, they would take a cab to the sky in the morning on duty, then they feel bored, I just went to heaven, and as a result, human failure, all the crops drought is dead, then one of the person with yi, after he shot down nine SUNS, I only, remain a sun. But I'm away, I'm from your arrows can be less than. Excites me most is that people very respect to me, says the growing need to me, not my life will cease to exist. Also don't know whether they really kua I still afraid of me to anger burned their house. The most let me curiously, I have many names. If I come in the morning, is the sun; If I come in the evening, as the sunset. I am who I am, which come so many strange name. On a clear, people praise me. In the dark, people are longing for me. I reach the speed of 300000 kilometers per second, but long distance, let it took me a minute to reach the earth, I quite like the human, because they don't have to come to my house to know my secret, is really reduced!



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