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Without regret_高中英语作文

2019-12-12 05:30:01

The struggle of life the word make indomitable spirit shall take to walk the sample to fulfilling their journey through journey is worth thinking

Anonymous waste long also steadfastly struggle depends on oneself into a proud smile sky elves also mediocre earnestly clown into land is decided by their time flies old moon shuttle Zan young people how precious time is short when people haven't realize the time when the old man tottered already passed and life lane that if time strive work out their own piece of heaven and earth will both grief and flow of people through life picture scroll this is blank for the lack of brilliance should by applying picture but for wasted in vain abandoned myself miserable

Casting sword 10 years grinding sword sword fast to handheld device maker e-ten state backing the mud, and ten long years casting sample short sword master eyes because of long time ignore forgotten self building bunkers carefully study sample cast jian said didn't waste my time said proudly on the sword live ten years I complaint or regret the life little jun see zhang Ming barrage from jun see Li Fan over time to make the net love you see Ma Tao neon is sweetest blundering social form to ease down to make a career and wrong dared hope ten years grinding sword

Infinite struggle word meaning the ideal pragmatic and enterprising work struggle; The parents family struggle career pluralism also struggle; The poor children represent the campus on the call to wander the streets more struggle with as we pour on take advantage of his trust and pass success always come of a kind

When into the twilight years of said to myself not to waste my life into something my youth I am happy I proud ideal junction, in fact many old time often feel lost helpless regret for their youth done so only lies in the regrets mo and the mortal world without regret medicine miss become eternal hate looking back already one hundred body is the regret of life than this

Life if the blink and had hurried relentlessly passing years we should calm down and seize time tail sailed straight hoist enjoy fight the sea believe that died when we were able to calm regret I am happy to say that I have been to me

Regret leaving hurry struggle

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