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A Letter to My Teacher_致老师的一封信英语作文130字

2019-12-16 02:00:02

A Letter to My Teacher_致老师的一封信英语作文130字

Dear Miss Zhang,

How time flies! My life in junior school will come to an end soon. Life was happy in the past three years but one bad thing in my mind is that I failed an important exam last year. I didn’t prepare for the exam because I played computer games too much those days, which made my parents and you upset and worried. I will never forget that day when you talked with me face to face. It’s a pity that I failed an exam but I am happy that I learned a lesson from this failure with your help. That is, no pains no gains. Hard work leads to success and no one can have a harvest without any effort.Therefore, I will study harder than ever. I won’t waste my valuable time any more.

Best wishes!


Li Ming



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