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2019-12-17 00:30:01

Friendship is, a knife, the rocks break in my heart;

Friendship is a lamp, illuminate the darkness in my heart;

Friendship, is a huge box, harvest happiness, also share the happiness.【趣文网 m.qwen.cn】

The boundless huge crowd, find a friend? Difficult! Find a bosom friend? Even harder! But all this encounter, as if is god arrangement, let you accidentally get a precious friendship, are you willing to cherish...

Maybe, this is friendship, unexpectedly, of course, I was no exception.

Time reversal, back to the first true friendship that day.

"The bell bell bell..." As the bell rang, the students like the cage fly bird, "fly" to the outside of the classroom activities. Soon after, the laughter, the wind gone with the wind in my ears. Curious I walked out of the classroom, sat down next to the tree, watching a game of only two or three people, how I want to jump with them, dancing together, but timid I didn't do it after a week. When I plucked up the courage to join their games, they also don't hesitate to accept me. Immediately and how the wave in the game, is my best friend, also is I got my first friendship, and friendship is gradually in the interesting game...

Of course, there is more than a friendship. In fourth grade, seat in the class, a boy called wang kun tune in next to me. At that time did not think of his name will enter my "good friends" list. Because of the seat, our feelings increase day by day, helicopters to my bosom friends.

In this way, day after day, year after year, the four of us is not cut points of bosom friends, and also let me get happiness from a friend - especially in the rainy day.

Which is a rainy day, rainy day let people by surprise.

The rain, continuous underground, at any time change, sometimes big, sometimes small. Susin and I, in the face of the sudden rain, helpless. It was getting dark side, the rain has not stopped, even as wang kun and I decided to rush home, an umbrella to cover my head, I was surprised to look back a look, turned out to be He Mingbin. He seemed to know what I was thinking, but before I opened my mouth, took asked: "you also go to the east. Then go!" I happy smile, warm like a fire, suddenly occupied my cold heart. I do not know when, He Mingbin appear between the I and wang kun, open the umbrella said: "go, I just send He Mingbin to markets."

In this way, the four of us talking and laughing all the way to break the campus at the moment of silence.

At that moment, have far keep in my heart, because at that moment, let me understand what is the true friendship - lend a helping hand when friends, when you need help, friends will make you refreshed, but anyway, at the last moment, don't abandon a friend, abandon the friendship.

Say goodbye to primary school life with the passage of time. Level with friends together of the time only just months after graduation, may god keep our fate, but maybe not. Now, I think, cherish now, cherish the friendship, between the friend leave deep memories, can let friendship get true friendship!

Friendship, is to make me happy angel;

Friendship, is better than a cherry sweet happiness;

The raft of friendship, is to make life infinitely more important parts!

Friendship is not worth to cherish, isn't?



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