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Water for Elephants_大象的眼泪英语读后感600字

2019-12-30 19:15:01

"The tears of the elephant" describes some of the changes that a Poland young man had happened at the age of 23, which changed his life. This young man called Jacob, at the age of 23 because parents died in the accident, he still is in college years also halted, during the depression, the parents not only did not leave a legacy, have to be in debt for veterinary diagnosis. The troubled young man become nothing, he with no destination to walk next to the railway,pessimistic want to commit suicide, but this time there was a train after he jumped up, regardless of personal danger, but he did not know, this train is a circus train, he jumped about to change after him life.

Although Jacob Jan Kowski did not talk about the past,but it can not say the secret is still dormant in his more than 90 year old soul. He remember my karma, ride on the rickety train to the Benny brothers Circus World wonderful.He remembered that there are all kinds of people with abnormal clown, and the passions that is staged; filled with all kinds of unreasonable and strict rules, a life and death with its unique way of showing the world. For Jacob, it is not only redemption but also human purgatory.When Jacob joined the circus, he was the most miserable time, his penniless and his parents died, until he got the train. When the great depression in the early three, members of the circus to work flow is lucky. Join the circus star Marianne,is so handsome,because the heart is extremely cruel circus troupe; join the elephant Rosie, because she is anticipated to bring new performance, become the Savior of the circus. But in fact, Rosie can't perform, she can not even understand the order. The two people who have a long future are like mutual trust and mutual trust, and they can survive only by relying on each other.

The elephant Rosie did not appear in the 1/3 place of the novel. It is not the leading role. But I think the coming of this elephant is the beginning of the climax of the story. It is the beginning of the relationship between Jacob and Marina. It is the beginning of the contest between Jacob and Marina's husband, Auguste. In the novel, simply wrote Jacob is a concern for siblings, he could not bear to see Rosie Auguste mercilessly abuse, and the story behind Marina and Auguste to write part of Jacob by her husband hit the conflict, which is the protagonist that he has strong characters a. His zeal, unyielding, emotional pursuit of animal love and the theme of the book is consistent.

The circus is a society, perhaps, it can be said to be a river. I see life; I see the suffering; see the evil; see the heart; see the hope; and see the despair. Maybe, this is life, born and alive. The true fate, we can not get rid of, can not decide, but we can change. Those who, though they know no avail, still fight against fate, are the kings!




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