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The secret of loss_失落的秘境英语读后感600字

2019-12-30 00:15:02

The book is a wonderful description of the extraterrestrial land in the rain forest, the scene of the night, the moment of the boa constrictor, the spiritual travel of the tribal group, the dress of the tribe, the strange expression of the greeting, and the life of the caesarean section with the rough tools. People unforgettable, rough surgical tools, lack of drugs, no disinfection of the surgical site, filtering several times to doubt the health of the hot water, using the k powder instead of anesthetic, temporarily calling the villagers as nurses, using the shoeshine as a tractor, in this case, the operation is successful, really enough thrilling.

Anders's death is a clue to string up the whole story. In his death, his tutors, bosses, colleagues and wives, based on their own interests or psychological needs, show different internal human nature in their own way. For a lover's boss and his colleague's wife's entrustment, Marina was in danger and went to a dangerous rainforest. It was a dejected proposition. He knew that life and death were not servants, and that Marina knew the dangers along the way. But Marina was still there, for the sake of the people around us, or for his colleagues. Absolutely set foot on the road that Anders once walked, do what he has done, only to find the tutor Svensson and secret recipe, and the traces of Anders's death.

We are always eager to express that we love nature, so far I have never heard of anyone who has said he does not love nature, and that nature has been described in many writers, and people, especially those who are busy in the metropolis, always want to take the time to go to big hours after a week of work. But there are many people to breathe fresh air, and many people say that if it may be hidden in the mountains, a life of the world, and even everyone knows, the seven thousand hermits in the end of Nanshan, I think the most praise in the world, in addition to God, is the nature.

When it comes to loss, the greatest loss is human beings. A python is cut off his head, and when it is skinned, the aboriginal exuberant and exuberant, let the human see a kind of wild affinity, see simple happiness, real primitive life. There is not much excess and desire, just want to enjoy a sumptuous dinner. Although it looks bloody and cruel, the wild rule of survival is so. Amazon, although seemingly violent, but also in another corner, waiting for the warmth of the appearance, the noun of cannibalism, sound cautious, a little trembling, sneaked into the Amazon, the feeling must be dead, but the author's exquisite and delicate writing, the original tribe kind, gentle into the works. Primitive people are also full of boundless love and full of yearning for happy life. Their happiness is to have food and eat, have living conditions as a guarantee, no money transactions, no interests, no innocent killings, no brutal confrontation. Primitive people seem to lag behind. In fact, they reflect the most essential things of human beings.

The lost secret is definitely an adventure story in terms of subject matter. The heroine's colleague died in Brazil, with the double request of the company and his colleague's wife to explore the secrets of her colleagues' death and the process of the company's medical research. On the one hand, the novel shows the mysterious living environment of the rainforest for the readers, and on the one hand, it promotes the investigation of the protagonist with the clue of "the secret medicine of female life for life".


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