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The Day of Hong Kong Returned_关于香港回归英语作文1000字

2019-12-30 07:30:02

On July 1st, 1997, Hong Kong returned to China with the world's attention. It was such a great event that we held a big ceremony to celebrate. Today, as China's economy develops very fast, Hong Kong as the important part of China, also shares the economy boom. The win-win situation is obvious.

First of all, during the last decade, Chinese market was booming. A lot of people's life standard have increased, so they started to travel around the world and made purchase. So many foreign countries put forward some policies, in the purpose of attracting more Chinese customers. There is no doubt that the world is watching China, as we play more and more important role in the world.

Secondly, Hong Kong's return sets the good example of unity. The policy of one nation, two system has worked well, which provides new solution to the country issue. We have seen that if we get united, we can be much stronger. That's the key to the long term development.

The day of Hong Kong returned will be remembered and celebrated every year. It reminds the public of the unity of China.



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