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My life in ten years_英语作文范文

2019-12-31 22:45:01

In ten years, I will be in a college. This periocd of time will be very relaxing,so I'll hare more free time to learn what I want to learn.In this time, I will learn French and computer science. I think it is important for everyone to learn two foreign languages. In the age of information, we all should master how to use computer. Except that , you almost can do nothing.Of course , I will spend more time exercising . I will play babminton because I only can play it. To tell you the truth, playing badminton so I think I'd better to play it.Maybe, I will be tall in ten years.But I hope I won't be so heavy, I also will do the compulsory labor, it is good for me to get more social experience.

No matter what happens, I will strive for the future.


In the NO.2 middle school,Jack and Rose walked together,they has been good friends since they were very young,their parents are classmates and they live in the neighborhood.They went to the primary school together every day.Now they are both thirteen years old and they went to the same middle school,they were happy to hear this news.

NO.2 middle school is a very famous school in the city.It has the best teaching environment and the best teaching quality.Jack and Rose are both good students,but in studying,Rose is better.

This is the first day that they went to school,they are in major work class,so their classroom is in the best school building.There are many meeting rooms and teachers' office,their classroom is in the third floor.

Their Class Adviser is their math teacher,he is not very tall but he is kind,but he has rich experience in teaching.Everyone called him Mr.Liu.




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