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How to stop Teenagers From crime_如何预防青少年犯罪作文250字

2019-12-31 19:15:01

Today, the world is keeping their eyes on the teenagers, people pay special attention to teenagers, because they stand for a country’s future. However, it is a fact that teenagers are impulsive to go the wrong way, so we can watch the news about teenager’s crime now and then. Teenagers are immature, people should help to prevent them from committing a crime.


On the one hand, the family is very important to a teenager. A harmonious family atmosphere will lead the teenagers grow up in a healthy way, while if the parents always fight with each other, the negative effect will show on the teenagers, they will get the distorted idea about the world. It is reported that most teenager criminals grow up in a unhappy family. So it is parents’ duty to form a happy family for their children.


On another hand, the whole society has duty to help prevent teenagers from committing a crime. The school should open the class about the law, letting the students know what will happen if they are against the law. The TV show should limit the violence shots, so the negative behavior implant to the teenagers’ consciousness.


Teenagers should have a promising future, they are the country’s hope, so the parents and the whole society have the duty to protect them.




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