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Dinosaur Park_恐龙公园作文550字

2020-01-01 02:00:01

In the history of biological development, there are many kinds of species appearing and disappearing, and the dinosaurs are such an example. Once in the earth, the invincible position occupied PA dinosaurs 65 million years ago in the Cretaceous. After that, it mysteriously disappears, leaving a man talk about the topic. For the extinction of dinosaurs, there are many hypotheses in the world, such as poisoned theory, aging theory, environmental deterioration theory, eggshell metamorphosis theory, supernova explosion theory, meteorite impact theory and so on. However, after the scientists have verified that there is not a doctrine with great persuasiveness. But can dinosaurs be resurrected? Once seen the science fiction movie Jurassic Park, it drew a scene for us: the extinct dinosaurs were resurrected, and these giant creatures were ramping up in our city. Do we ever think of the possibility of the resurrection of dinosaurs, while we are feeling the high content of science and technology?

In the best of spirits we went on a car slowly moving forward, came to the other people fascinated Changzhou China dinosaur park. There, the most engraved in my mind is "through the Jurassic". We queued up to the gate of "crossing the Jurassic", where we saw the crowds of people. After half a day, we sat on the boat happily. Imperceptibly, the small boat gradually entered the "Jurassic era", and suddenly it was black and black. All of a sudden, a strange and fearful roar of the dinosaur was called, and I was frightened and frightened. With a slowly moving forward, with a bloody Tyrannosaurus neck, anger tone stood in front of me, as if to see its situation engulfed the whole world, it is no wonder that ferocious Tyrannosaurus rex was dominated on the earth!

Then go forward, where many fossil specimens are stored. They are all covered with glass. In addition to dinosaur fossils, there are fossils of plants, insects, fish and other animals of that age. It turns out that these are some patterns on the rocks. I also saw the dinosaur eggs. This egg is very big, like a big stone. If you don't tell me that this is a dinosaur egg, I can't see it. After watching the fossils, we went to see the skeleton of the dinosaurs. A dinosaur skeleton was arranged to form a skeleton of a bone to pay for the dinosaur. If you add some meat, it's like a dinosaur. I saw that the skeletons of these dinosaurs were very large, so I thought that dinosaurs must be a super large animal. Now no animal in the world can be bigger than it. Then we went to see some pictures again. Looking at it, I felt like I had come back to the age of dinosaurs. It was really fun.




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