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My Seasons_我的四季英语作文150字

2020-01-01 03:45:01

We have four seasons in a year. I can do many interesting things in each season. In spring, the weather is cool and windy, I can fly kites when it’s windy. And I can go hiking with my family when it’s sunny and cool. I like hiking. Summer is hot in the north of China, but it’s not long time. I often go swimming. It can make me healthy and strong. I can also wear my beautiful dresses. Fall is a season with harvest. And I can eat delicious fruits in this season. I can watch the leaves fall. Winter comes, it’s often snowy in winter in my hometown. When it snows, everything is white. We can play with snow and make a snowman, skate and ski. And winter is my favourite season, because of the Spring Festival. I love seasons. I love the nature.




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