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To Keep Safe in the Road_路上注意安全初中英语作文250字

2020-01-02 07:15:01

To Keep Safe in the Road_路上注意安全初中英语作文250字

As we know, the accidents usually happen. And here are three examples last month:

First, a car fell into the river, because it went too fast to round the corner in time. Second, a car hit a middle school student, because the driver didn’t notice the student. As a matter of fact, the driver was talking on her mobile phone at that time. Third, a middle school student fell of his bike, because he still goes forward when the light changed to red. Unlucky, a very fast car appeared, but it didn’t hit the boy and the boy fell of his bike and hurt his arm.

Why did the accidents happen? Because there are many people don’t know what is right and what is wrong in the road. Thus, it is very necessary for us to learn how to keep save in the road? And here is my advice:

First, don’t ride side by side with your friends. Second, don’t talk on your mobile phone when you are driving or riding. Third, don’t go forward when the traffic light is red. Fourth, don’t listen to music when you are in the road. Fifth, think about the risk of an accident. Remember, safety comes first!




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