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The story of chang 'e_嫦娥的故事英语作文200字

2020-01-03 22:15:01

Have you read the story of chang 'e? It's a very touching story. Chang 'e was houyi's wife. After hou yi shot nine SUNS, one god gave his magic medicine to thank him, eat this medicine will be immortal, hou yi planned to take medicine with his wife. But one day, a bad man, when he was away from home, wanted to take the magic medicine. Chang 'e did not give him the medicine and ate all the medicine. She was shining and flying to the moon. Hou yi was very sad, every day he was chanting the name of the goddess of the moon, one night, the moon is very round and very bright, hou yi's wife saw the moon, he laid out the goddess of the moon the most like to eat fruits and pastries, hou yi hope the goddess of the moon will come back.





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