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英语作文:愉快的野餐(A Happy Picnic)

2020-01-04 05:15:01

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愉快的野餐(A Happy Picnic) 愉快的野餐(A Happy Picnic)

Ah! It’s a warm spring! On the nice day, I, Linda and Sally go the MeiYuan Park, have a picnic together. I must go the supermarket in advance, buy some sock and coke.

It’s all right! We must on foot go park. We are starting the school. First, we go straight, turn right, and then go straight, too. We are getting to the park. Oh, the park it’s very beautiful!People playing so happy, the flower is lovely, too. We eat the delicious food. Linda has many crackers and cakes, Sally have a box of chocolates. We are playing the carrousel over a cup of coke. We are very pleased.

It’s a nicety day!



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