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On volunteer work_关于志愿工作英语议论文200字

2020-01-04 04:00:01

On volunteer work_关于志愿工作英语议论文200字

It is common for students to do volunteer work. However, some people think it will waste much time of students to study. I don't agree with them. As far as I am concerned, volunteer work brings more benefits than problems to students.

The reason for the advantages of students to do volunteer work is obvious. First of all, doing volunteer work can make students become more confident. Students can learn a lot from volunteer work. Besides, students will know that they are luckier than some people who were born in the country.Only through these voluntary work can they cherish what they have now.

Last but not least, there are many poor people who need our help in China. Therefore, we should try our best to help them.

It is a good opportunity to students if they have time to do volunteer work. On the one hand, students can learn many things from volunteer work. On the other hand, it helps many people who are in need.




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