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A letter to Mike_给麦克的一封信英语书信作文200字

2020-01-04 13:00:01

Dear Mike,

I'm really glad to know that you will come to China to live and study. Apparently, knowing some culture of China is very important. When we meet acquaintances by coincidence, we often wave hands and smile.And if you are accustomed to saying "Hello" to your friends in your life, you can do so,too.

The eating culture of China varies from area to area. Many people like spicy food. But it doesn't matter if you are fond of sweet food. We use large bowls to eat. And you can try some rice if you want. Learning Chinese is difficult work. But if you put your heart on it, you will find the interests. Doing writing is of vital importance. I hope you can learn it well. And there are many words whose definitions are ambiguous, you should be cautious.

Looking forward to your coming soon.

Yours Li Hua




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