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2020-01-04 13:00:01

If life is a solemn castle, honesty is a solid foundation. If life is a big tree of the dome, honesty is the root of deep rooted. If life is a flying seabird, honesty is the wings. Without faith, the meaning of life is all gone, without faith, life is beautiful and yet to.

Honesty is a moral category. It is the second identity card of a citizen. It is the joint reputation of honesty and formal communication of daily behavior. The others, sincere, honest and credibility, persist, and good, as good as gold. Honesty is one of the traditional virtues of Chinese people. No matter in the past or in the society, nothing can be done. Now, honesty is of great importance to the construction of the civilization of human society.

However, in recent years, with the impact of the market economy, it was found that the integrity of the wash, fade, grow in worship. Interest has replaced virtue and good faith in fraud. A lot of people's life in balance, sink the end is health, beauty, wit, talent, money and honor, only the end of their high integrity. Honesty, light!

These desires more and more money into people's lives, many of the "dirty" as a kind of glory and fashion. While people are more and more rich, the spirit is getting poorer and poorer. Think about how many people stick to the "good faith" two words as the principles and creed of life? People earn a lot of money by unscrupulous ways, and look at "honesty" with weird eyes. It's like watching an untimely beauty, full of wonder and incomprehensible. What can I say when I see this scene?

Speaking of good faith is not talking about it. Many people say it is difficult to do it easily. This is probably the one true and not sincere, sincere letter to a deep-rooted reason, they determine the integrity to benefit, to selfishness and greed with integrity. In the real social life, we do nothing and nothing, the lack of people, the lack of good faith, get people to find the opportunities and conditions of integrity. Some people only ask others to be honest and honest, and they are very difficult to treat others with good faith. Today, the development of civilization, more should reflect the integrity of the personnel, but the result makes the king is disappointed.

To choose good faith, I think it is more connotative than money. Money is a necessary tool for people to be based on society, but it does not mean that money is omnipotent. Having a lot of money does not mean having everything in the world. In the end, people who are crazy for money still have to lie in the cold graves, even if the tomb is made of gold and silver, what can they prove? How can the ancient merchant landlords name for the people of the world remember how many? It is the moral integrity noble gentleman, incorruptible. The choice of honesty is the choice of how to spend your life.




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