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Sweet-scented osmanthus_桂花香英语作文900字

2020-01-05 03:00:01

It is in the spring or grow green shoots, the falling leaves in the winter to cover up. In summer, it is the period when the leaves of Osmanthus fragrans are flourishing. It seems to show us all its vitality and block the sunshine for us. At this time, the adults can enjoy the cool and play chess under the trees, and children can play under the trees. In the autumn, the sweet scented osmanthus trees bloom, sweet scented osmanthus with four small petals, the home of the osmanthus petal is orange, of course, there are other colors, sweet scented osmanthus is very small, but it is always love a group of three, a group of five together, a round one is really nice. And I love the smell of it, smell it let people feel very sweet, when you go to the tree, a gust of wind blowing, you will feel the wind, the fragrance of flowers, are spread everywhere, take a deep breath of air with fragrance, let a person mental comfort, even breath gas has sweet scented osmanthus fragrance!

Surrounded by green trees, the sun along the complex Qingshiban Road, came to the foot of the laurel. The branches Qiu Wolong, leaves long, tight and huge, leaf edge dentate is navicular, than the sweet scented osmanthus front grab in the branches, dancing in the wind. The viewer often sees not it, but the scented osmanthus below the branches. You see, a sweet scented osmanthus clusters of clouds around the branches with a ring. Those flowers as large as a grain of rice, a flower with four petals, flower piece thick but not stiff, just like the tree's rosy red Fuji, and as the baby's arm like the lotus. Two core, core tip on pale pink, like covered with red. All the flower open, even the tip is slightly downward arch, branches full of dance like a little girl, in the light of the posture is lovingly pathetic.

The breeze is blowing, the fallen leaves on the ground are rolled up, the leaves are constantly rotating, the friction between the branches and leaves seems to be accompaniment, and the fallen leaves are dancing happily. Indistinct, I seem to hear the wind spirit out like laughter, is very clear, I think, they are enjoying this beautiful and rustic dance? Hidden in the dark green leaves of osmanthus, is so petite. Last night, just a rain, small laurel petals, with a little glittering and translucent small water beads, lining the more delicate sweet sweet osmanthus. It is small, can be together, but can let ten people indulge in the floral fragrance, in. It seems that all the troubles have disappeared in this light sweet scented osmanthus fragrance.

A SA cool wind blowing, the tree Posuo osmanthus tree, swaying up. The sweet scented osmanthus is like a golden butterfly, and it is like a silver colored ribbon. It is fluttered and floating, falling down to the ground. It is like a layer of gold and sand on the ground. A piece of yellow, small petals, with rich flavor, and I drifted into the mother's hair, body, shoes. I opened my arms and exclaimed, "osmanthus rain! Mom, this is the rain of Osmanthus! It turns out that all the books are true..." How romantic and dreamy! I looked up, and the sweet scented osmanthus fell on my face, gently touching the face with my fragrance, and seemed to tell me its beauty, its pleasant fragrance, its colorful dancing, its magical function.

The sweet scented osmanthus is a small yellow flower with four or five or seven or eight petals. The color is light beige, to say that I love most the color. There is a tree osmanthus more strange, they are golden yellow, is said to be kim. And the special fragrance, every time, I see this sweet scented osmanthus, I hate to pick a few smelling. Of course, this is just thought, who will have the heart to destroy such a good thing? To know the good things to share together, happy to feel together.

But have you noticed that the sweet scented osmanthus in less than a month withered, though, this small particle osmanthus is desperately for people, bursting out of the most beautiful life; it is a grain of rice, sweet scented osmanthus, but every day, release the fragrance gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind. It has done the meaning of life in this short month...




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